The Importance Of Dog’s Dental Care

The Importance Of Dog’s Dental Care

Oral hygiene is another of those areas of your pet dog’s health where you can have a direct, positive impact. Poor oral health in pets is rampant. About seventy- five percent of dogs and cats over the age of three have periodontal disease. That is a lot of cases. The pet owners who fail to provide daily oral care is more often the cause of it.

Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth that develop in progress. It usually starts out with the formation of a bacterial film on teeth called plaque.

A hard or a rough substance called tartar or calculus is formed when the bacteria dies and becomes calcified by calcium in saliva. This provides a surface upon which more plaque can accumulate. If left to proliferate, plaque can lead to inflammation of the gums, which is causing them to get red and swollen and bleed easily, a condition also known as gingivitis.

An unchecked build-up of tartar can cause an infection around the roots of the teeth and below the gumline.

In periodontal disease final stages, the tissues surrounding the teeth are destroyed and the bony socket holding the tooth erodes that eventually causes the tooth to become loose. It is a very painful situation for your pet dog.

There a lot of studies showing that oral inflammation and infection can create disease in other parts of the body, including the heart. Your pet’s oral hygiene basically is not just the health of his stomach.

Bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream through gum tissues that are weakened and compromised. If your dog’s immune system does not destroy the bacteria in the blood, it can reach the heart.

There was a study conducted that shows there is a strong relationship between gum disease in dogs and endocarditis or an infection of the heart’s valve or inner lining.

Having strains of oral bacteria is another way of gum disease that may lead to serious problems including the heart. When this bacterium builds up, it will thicken the walls of the arteries. This narrowing of the passageway through the arteries is closely related to heart disease. This bacterium is also known to promote the formation of blood clots that can damage the heart.

Several studies have shown that oral bacteria, if launched into the bloodstream, looks like they are able to survive attacks given by the immune system.

Annual cleaning by a veterinarian is not enough to maintain the dog’s dental health. A dog owner should have knowledge on how to perform dental care at home. This may look too difficult but with a bit of training, the proper tools, patience, and persistence, most pet owners can learn how to control the plaque in their dog’s mouth just a few minutes a day.

Why the need of doing this? Well, after a few weeks, your dog and you will be healthy on your way to feeling more comfortable with your new daily routine. Your dog will have a pleasant clean mouth and you will surely have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have done any possible way for your furry companion.

Insuring that you feed your dog a balanced, species-appropriate and raw diet is another way to keep your dog’s overall good health. Feeding your dog the food he was intended to eat will benefit him overall health which includes his oral health.

There are many dental products on the market that claim to help control plaque and tartar on your dog’s teeth. These products may include food, treats, oral sprays, chews, water additives and oral gels. These are fine but if you choose to use dental care products for your dog you have to keep in mind that they don’t take place the daily brushing, raw species-appropriate diet or your dog’s regular veterinary oral health checkups.

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